Partnership working in health and social care: Embedding the lessons of the COVID crisis
During the pandemic, three different countries and locales started collaborating to better understand partnerships working among health and social care organisations globally. While three different countries with three different contexts and perspectives were part of the initial collaboration, what was observed were very similar experiences with the partnership working during the pandemic. Additionally, where the differences were observed, there was also an opportunity for continued learning and to build upon advances in partnership working during the pandemic.
The session Partnership working in health and social care: Embedding the lessons of the COVID crisis hosted by the Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy will:
- discuss the work and partnership process to date of the International Health and Social Care Integration Collaborative between the United States, the United Kindom and Belgium;
- identify others that are interested in joining the research and practice efforts of the collaborative;
- solicit thoughts for expanded research, practice, and structure through the collaborative for those that may have an interest in participating.
This session will last 75 minutes with the first 30 minutes providing an overview of the collaborative’s work to date, and the remaining 45 minutes for facilitated discussion.

Join the session on Friday, 17 June from 11:15 to 12:30 CET with the esteemed facilitators:
- Mr Nabil Jamshed, Head of Corporate Governance, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, UK;
- Dr Usman Khan, Visiting Professor, KU Leuven, Belgium;
- Prof Walter Sermeus, Full Professor, KU Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy, Programme Director Master of Healthcare Management & Policy KU Leuven, Belgium;
- Prof Kristin Wilson, Associate Professor, Saint Louis University College for Public Health & Social Justice, USA.